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Easter traditions Hungarian style When I left Hungary last year, I was surprised on my last night with a big bucket of water so I do not...

KCSP 2024 / Introduction
Petra Piroska Póda and Enid Gusztos to help the Hungarian community in Auckland in 2024 The aim of the Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Programme is...

Itt a farsang, áll a bál!
Ha meghalljuk a farsang szót, sokunknak a fánk édes illata vagy akár egy sulifarsangon viselt jelmezünk juthat eszünkben. Van, akinek a...

Interjú Drávai Tamással, az Időház nevű karitatív szálláshálózat alapítójával, szervezőjével
A világ másik felére költözésből adódó távolság és időeltolódás még a közösségi média adta lehetőségek ellenére is sokaknak nehézkessé,...

Ráhangolódással, ismerkedéssel indult az AUskola ötödik tanéve Elkezdődött az AUskola új tanéve, amiben ismét részt vehetek segítőként....

Hungarian Festival and Market
The first Hungarian Festival and Market in Auckland, which was made possible by an exceptional community effort, was a fantastic event...

Interjú Németh Ágnes fagylaltmesterrel
Nehéz olyan embert találni, aki nem szereti a fagyit. Hidegben a nyári emlékeket idézi, melegben hűsítő kvalitása miatt fogyasztjuk,...

Trilingual family
Japanese, Hungarian and English in everyday life We use three languages in our family - it's how life has brought us together.Our...

AUskola and AHC family picnic / 2023
A truly eventful and exciting year for the Hungarian community in Auckland! And what better way to end the year than with an outdoor...

Zsuzsa Mathieson-Kiss donated beautiful folk costumes and tablecloths to the club The Auckland Hungarian Club would like to express its...

Hungarian Picnic in Wellington / 2023
In the capital city of New Zealand, there were also two venues for programmes. In the morning, a wreath-laying ceremony was held in the...

Farewell / 2023
The mission of the Csoma Sándor Kőrösi scholarship holders has come to an end My little world was turned upside down. There is nothing...

Interview with Dr. Gergely Toldi, senior lecturer and paediatrician/neonatologist / 2023
Dr Gergely Toldi specialises in paediatrics, including neonatology. This is the branch of medicine dealing with the physiology and...

Bográcsfesztivál in Auckland / 2023
As the summer approaches, there are more and more opportunities to organize outdoor programs, along with outdoor cooking which is our...

October Club day / 2023
The October club day was held in the familiar venue of the Holland House, where the focus was on Hungarian folk dance. KCSP scholarship...

Storytelling afternoon / 2023
On the last Saturday of September, we celebrated the Hungarian Folktale Day. To celebrate this day, we held a storytelling afternoon...

Pub quiz in Auckland / 2023
The aim of the event was to provide an opportunity for Hungarian adults in Auckland and the surrounding area to have fun, as most of the...

A girly dinner in Auckland 2. / 2023
On this occasion, the girls' dinner was hosted by the Bodrum restaurant in Newmarket. We were given a table in a quiet area, which...

Interview with Máté Jakab, the newly hired assistant coach of the Breakers / 2023
Máté Jakab joined the coaching staff ofnational and international basketball teams at a very young age. In Hungary, he was first involved...

Hírek az Aucklandi Magyar Iskolából / 2023. augusztus
Kiscsoport A kiscsoportban az augusztusi ünnepkörről tanultunk, sok-sok játékkal kiegészítve ezt a komoly témát. Kezdetnek bevetettük a...
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